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Mgr Fellay a décidé d’annuler le chapitre général extraordinaire de juillet 2012 !

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Mgr Fellay a décidé d’annuler le chapitre général extraordinaire de juillet 2012 !

Mgr Fellay a également obligé l’abbé Morgan, supérieur de Grande-Bretagne, à retirer les critiques d’Assise III de son site internet, car elles déplaisent au « cardinal » Levada, avec qui il négocie l’accord pratique ! … la recherche de l’accord doctrinal apparaît désormais comme une tromperie et une farce …

Un site anglophone de sauvegarde de la FSSPX est apparu et ouvre une pétition en ligne pour fédérer les protestations de tous ceux qui refusent le ralliement de la FSSPX :


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Fellay Has Canceled the Extraordinary Neo-SSPX Chapter Meeting
Either because the Sellout Deal Has Temporarily Failed or because He Fears His Own Ouster

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

News just in to the TRADITIO Network indicates that Bernie Fellay has canceled the Extraordinary Chapter Meeting that he himself called for early July 2012 at Econe, Switzerland. Whether he did so because the sellout deal has temporarily failed or because of the opposition of the three Neo-SSPX bishops or because he is afraid that the Chapter would be used to depose him from the Superior Generalate is not yet known.

Meanwhile, Fellay has ordered Fr. Paul Morgan, Superior General of Great Britain, to remove items critical of Benedict-Ratzinger’s blasphemous Assisi III Conference from the British Neo-SSPX web site because Newcardinal Levada, the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, does not like the items. So, Fellay, who is now the lapdog of the New Order sect, has answered Levada with a big, Ja, wohl!

And now an informal survey has revealed that half of Fellay’s clergy and laity in the United States do not want to go forward with his sellout deal. Most French clergy also oppose the deal. France and the United States are the two most populous Neo-SSPX districts.